Monday, November 7, 2011

わたしの あきやすめ

わたしは ここに いました。わたしは としょかんで べんきょうしました。まい ばん ごごくじに ねました。わたしは えいがを みました。うちに かえりませんでした。わたしは フレスノから きました。フレスノ  りつぱなまち です。

Over fall break I stayed here in Princeton and was very surprised when it started snowing. It was the first time I had ever seen snow O_O. The break was very relaxing primarily because there was no class. Just being able to legitimately do nothing was such a stark contrast from the normal everyday life of a Princeton student. It seems like every single day people are always so busy with all the different classes and activities, it was nice to see a lot of people slow down and relax.

I didn't go back to my hometown of Fresno over fall break. Initially I was ok with the decision but as the week carried on I missed my family more and more. I am definitely going to see them over winter break since I will be traveling back for Christmas and New Year.

Coming back from fall break and seeing my midterm grade I really want to take my Japanese to the next level by figuring out different ways to study and visiting office hours frequently. Thus far I feel as though I have been giving the class everything I have but I keep falling just short of what I want to achieve. Therefore by pushing myself and studying even more I want to reach my goals.

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