Thursday, January 12, 2012



Literal Translation: Challenge

今日のじゅぎょうは とても たのしかったです。 しゅうじが 好きです。それは ふるいので、 おもしろいです。私は 今日 ごぜん 六時に ヨガを しました。それは むすかしですが、よかったです。

I’d like to write more in Japanese but it’s hard to express everything you want to say with limited grammar and vocabulary. The reason I talked about Yoga is because it and Calligraphy remind me of why I came to Princeton, to have experiences I would never have back at home. It resonates so strongly with me because I always think about how far away from home (California) I am and how it has opened up my mind to doing new things.

The distance from home as well as the array of activities I do is helping me become a stronger more adventurous person and everyday I am thankful for the challenge and the strength to take them on.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reflection for Cycle 3

In Cycle 3 I was absolutely overwhelmed by the amount of material we learned in class. Therefore I spent a lot of my time trying to stay afloat rather than honing my skills. I found that my strategy of reading before class was extremely helpful and allowed my to get more out of my drill session. I am also learning from my mistakes in Cycle 2. I am reviewing as we are going. Although over winter break I didn’t practice Japanese as much as I wanted to, I am getting back into the motions now that I am back by listening to the dialogue. Hopefully the many office hours I scheduled this week will help me for the oral final. 

Perserverance is key! 


ame futte ji katamaru

Literal Translation: after the rain, earth hardens

Meaning: Adversity builds character.

ふゆ休みは たのしくて、よかったです。 うちに かえりました。 プリンストンから カリフォルニアまで ひこうきで 八時間 ぐらい かかります。 たくさん えいがを みて 本を よみました。 リアルスチールを みました。 この よっかたです。

 うちで ゆくりして、 たくさん ゲームをして、 りょうりをしました。

 サンフランシスコに 友だちと あいに いきまたし。 友だちと でかけて、 パーテイに いきました。