Sunday, February 26, 2012


私の家族は四人家族です。私は一番下です。三人きょうだいが います。 あねは いちばんうえです。あには上からに番目です。私の母は せがひくくて、かみが とても ながくて、 めが ちゃいろいです。 きがながくて、 しんせつ人です。あねは せもひくくて、 かみが くろいです。 あたまがいいです。 あには せが 高くて、 かみが みじかいです。 私の家族は 一番家族です。

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Katakana Analysis Draft

プロフエッサーX/Professor X
This katakana word is a loanword from the english show X Men. This is a poster for the Japanese anime version of X Men. This is especially interesting since this show is borrowed from America yet a Japanese spin is put on it. Also this version has even added an additional character, 市木久子, her name is in Kanji but everyone else is in Katakana. I believe that this serves  a special purpose in that Japanese viewers of the show will be able to directly identify with her and retain a sense of pride in their nationality. Also with the use of Professor X. The Japanese already have a word for Professor but probably choose to retain the English word in Katakana that way they preserve the popularity of X men. 
ジャンプアルテイメットスターズ/Jump Ultimate Stars 
Strangely enough this katakana comes from putting together a whole lot of Japanese characters into one game. This game isn't planned on being released in the US because of the licensing issues between the many characters in the game. It is strange to me why they use katakana. I think it is to preserve the brand name of Jump (from Shonen Jump). I think Katakana serves here to create a clear and cohesive title. The developers probably prefer "Jump Ultimate Stars" to "Great Stars that can jump."

The different books describe katakana in different ways because after the more obvious reasons, onomatopoeia and loanwords, it is difficult to tell exactly why. In the Jump Ultimate Stars example it is difficult to tell precisely why they would use katakana over anything else. Since this is ambitious it is hard to tell why they would use it over anything else, but it is definitely nice to have a written style devoted wholly to this concept. 

Sunday, February 12, 2012



私は メキシコのりょうりが 好きなから ブリートを よく たべます。 メキシコのりょうりは とても やすくて、 おいしいです。うちの ちかくに タコベルが あるので、 いすも たべます。でも プリンストンは メキシコのレストラントが あるません。

からいのりょうりが 好きじゃないけど、しょっぱいりょうりが 好きです。たとえば フライポテトや  ベーコンが 好きです。あのひとも ベーコンが すきです。

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

New Semester, New Me


休みは たのしくて、 とても よかったです。 いそがしくありませんでした。 私のクラスは おもしろいです 

I want to keep writing in Japanese, but once again I find it hard to express my outlook with my current level of vocabulary and grammar. Last semester I learned a lot about Princeton and myself. I definitely figured out that my time here isn't going to be a cakewalk. This semester I am going to set high goals and now that I have a good idea of my workload and how much I can handle I am confident that I can reach them. From my time in JPN 101 last semester I learned that it is crucial to keep up with the readings, vocabulary, and Kanji every single day (after all there is a lot of Kanji). 

Therefore, this semester I am going to set a goal of posting a blog entry once every 3 days and to study Japanese every day for at least an hour. This semester I want to find a study group that way I can practice Japanese with my classmates. I know I can do really well in this class I just need to accumulate all that I've learned about how to study for Japanese and apply it. Speaking of applying I need to get on my PII application. >.>